true code

英 [truː kəʊd] 美 [truː koʊd]

网络  原码



  1. Lisp conditional statements use true/ false expressions in conjunction with code.
  2. So claims stating that a client API supports any SOAP service are never true in general if the code does anything other than form the SOAP Envelope given arbitrary XML as the payload.
  3. Different elements of a program are often unnecessarily intertwined, and this is doubly true for UI code.
  4. So it is true that Java code does not require the programmer to be responsible for memory management cleanup, and that it automatically garbage collects unused objects.
  5. What's true for programming code in general is true for debugger code.
  6. If it is true, only the status code and the headers are returned.
  7. This replaces def scaffold= true with the full implementation of the controller code.
  8. Although this might have been true in the past, modern code generators particularly those that are fully customizable can produce code that performs just as well as handwritten C++ or Java.
  9. Smaller, more concise build files are much easier to maintain and understand; in fact, this pattern happens to hold true for code as well.
  10. There are few true "code cowboys," lucky enough to travel from job to job, never having to maintain anyone else's code.
  11. After all, in theory, the if simply checks a condition, and if the condition is true, executes the block of code that follows.
  12. Case in point: Google Maps has no true asynchronous behavior in most implementations, and the code to handle the "Ajax-y" parts of the interface are relatively simple.
  13. If the input value is true, the code groups in the upper part of the control structure execute.
  14. If the json attribute is true, the code generator adds a JavaScript line that evaluates the Ajax response, using eval ( request. responseText).
  15. Fundamentally, each of these does exactly the same thing: it tests a condition, and if true, continues to execute the block of code provided.
  16. If you uncomment the field. setAccessible ( true) line, then recompile and rerun the code, it will succeed.
  17. This case is true as long as the new code supports the same message schema.
  18. RHTML is a true template format not simply a way of embedding code in HTML and this is a much more powerful approach.
  19. For example, if the conditional is marked "likely" then the compiler can place the True portion of the code immediately following the branch ( which will not be taken).
  20. True if the code that this element represents is no longer available
  21. In true agile spirit, code is production ready at the end of each iteration and will be made publically available immediately.
  22. Enter true if the stair is counted for building code exit requirements.
  23. True separation of code and markup.
  24. Set it to true ( as shown in the above code) to supply specific authentication credentials to cause a WWW-Authenticate HTTP header to be passed with the initial request.
  25. He practised Li, a ceremonial code of social and religious behaviour, and maintained that it was the true code for a gentleman to follow.
  26. This may be true, but carefully crafted code can still be optimized better and it's still best to avoid creating object.
  27. This is always true when the code is executed with full trust.
  28. So double bar means if this condition or this one and maybe even both are true, go down this road and execute that code.
  29. The name of the tool that converts assembly language into true machine code is called an "assembler".
  30. In order to solve the problem that the true code must be rewritten again from the present C/ S architecture system to B/ S architecture, application program server has been generated, that includes the application program of enterprise logic.